Collection: Ceramic Podiatry Burs

Our Ceramic Burs durability and cutting power are comparable to tungsten carbide; however, they have a much lower tendency to heat up during use. This means more working time and fewer interruptions. 

They are gentle on the skin and can be used for callus removal and polishing, with finer grains giving them better polishing abilities.

Receive an automatic 15% off on Podiatry Burs with bur orders of $500 or more

Learn more about Cermamic Podiatry Burs

We consider ceramic podiatry burs to be the ultimate tools. Their durability and cutting power are comparable to tungsten carbide; however, they have a much lower tendency to heat up during use. This translates to more working time and fewer interruptions. They are gentle on the skin and can be employed for callus removal with a significantly reduced risk of cutting the client, especially when compared to tungsten. Ceramic burs also excel in polishing; of course, the finer the grain, the better their polishing properties. 

If you are in search of a single bur to add to your instrument sets, we highly recommend ceramic burs above all other types due to their remarkable versatility. Our medium grain ceramic burs strike an excellent balance between cutting and grinding power and their polishing capabilities. 

  • Excellent heat resistance 

  • Reduced risk of abrasion injury 

  • Good polishing properties 

  • Can be used on nails and skin

Need a custom Ceramic Bur?

Can't find what you are looking for? You can request a specific bur type, shape and grit by contacting us. Minimum order quantities are required.

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